
Frequently Asked Questions

What is ReTrace?
ReTrace is a tool that aggregates and presents withdrawals from privacy protocols in a user-friendly interface. It's designed to assist in the investigation of fund flows related to hacks and to monitor privacy protocols like Tornado Cash and Railgun, particularly for those who may not be familiar with Etherscan. ReTrace indexes withdrawals from a ledger, simplifying the monitoring process by date and address.
How does ReTrace work?
To track daily withdrawals or investigate fund flows, enter a date (indexing began December 25th) or an ETH address in the search bar. Note that not all dates may yield results; ReTrace currently focuses on recent and ongoing activities, with historical data support planned for future updates.
Who should use ReTrace?
ReTrace is built on the premise that privacy is a fundamental right. Yet, it also recognizes the misuse of privacy protocols by malicious actors. The tool enhances investigative processes to hold such actors accountable, ultimately contributing to a safer on-chain environment for all users.